Viral TikTok Video Shows Groom Playing PUBG at His Own Wedding


The PUBG insanity has taken desi netizens by storm, and there’s now no doubt about this. People have long gone to excessive lengths around the USA to express their fondness for the game, which has kids hooked to their telephones.

Groom Playing PUBG
A hilarious video has long gone viral on social media, which capabilities newlyweds; no, not basking in their marital glory, because the groom seems engrossed in his telephone. And what is he doing on his telephone, you ask, while he must have been specializing in his doting spouse?

He began playing PUBG. Yes, you heard that properly. No, we are not kidding about this. The viral video indicates the young man playing PUBG on his cellphone as his wife sits beside him and watches cluelessly as he blatantly disregards her. Since it is a wedding, there’s a loud song playing in history. But the man couldn’t care less. As they say, nothing stands between a man and his PUBG. That is not all. The video also shows a relative giving the “glad” couple a present. But the groom pushes it away because it blocks his view. The bride sits quietly throughout the video and watches her husband play the game. The video has been recorded and uploaded on TikTok.

Now, we no longer recognize if the video is actual or has been merely staged for TikTok; whatever the case may be, PUBG is an internet sensation for a purpose, with thousands and thousands of Indians nearly hooked on the game. And let’s now not forget that both PUBG and TikTok were almost banned in India a few weeks ago.

‘Is this the exceptional a man can get?’ became the tagline of Gillette’s debatable commercial in January that broke the Internet. The ad challenged many pre-present notions of masculinity, questioned the gender repute quo, and attempted to dismantle poisonous adages, including ‘boys will be boys.’ The advert garnered much controversy because it went viral. Now, in an ad following a comparable thread, Gillette’s new advertisement tackles gender stereotypes in jobs. In a video posted on their YouTube web page on April 26, they tell the tale of women who work as barbers in a small village called Banwari Tola in Uttar Pradesh.

Google ‘Banwari Tola,’ and you are not likely to locate a lot on it save some mention in maps. In this village, however, girls are breaking the ‘gender norm’ by choosing a career that isn’t normally associated with women. The video starts offevolved by being centered on a younger boy, who alerts the visitors and brings to light data we all realize exists: Some jobs aren’t intended for girls. It suggests the traditional gender roles in the complete swingmen have jobs that contain inheriting their father’s organizations; at the same time, girls are restricted to simply ‘inheriting’ positions of household chores like cooking and cleaning. Gillette then attempts to task that in a barbershop that’s run by way of two sisters. Two young girls provide the services you commonly partner with a male barber. “How does it count the number of which gender holds the razor,” the advertisement states.