Combining the Keto Diet and Intermittent Fasting: What to Know


Everybody wants to lose weight and become healthier. To do so, there are often available diets that people can follow. Among them is the ketogenic diet. It is a low-carb, sugar-free diet. It requires a slow to drastic reduction of carbohydrate intake, replacing it with fats, and then using fats as your body’s new fuel. This results in placing your body in a metabolic state known as ketosis.

Keto Diet

Science has proven that when your body is in ketosis, you can experience health benefits. Your body becomes efficient at fat burning. Once fats are burned in the liver, they become ketones that supply energy to the brain. This will help you focus more and be alert while doing any activities.

Weight loss is the immediate and most visible result of the ketogenic diet. But it can also help you avoid epilepsy, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and diabetes, among others. Due to its low-carb and sugar-free nature, this diet will cause a significant reduction in insulin and blood sugar levels.

On the other hand, intermittent fasting is an equally powerful form of diet that you can combine with the ketogenic diet. This is a process of eating less frequently than you are used to. Research shows that an average person eats five meals a day. This is composed of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two snacks. Some would even go for an extra snack at midnight. Imagine the kind of stress your body goes through with that eating habit.

But with intermittent fasting, you will create an eating window. Then, schedule a period where your digestive system can take a break. It will help in weight loss, improve physical and mental health, and help you live longer. This is due to its powerful effects on your brain and body.

But what if you combine eating less frequently with a low-carb, no-sugar, high-fat diet? The results can be remarkable. This can mean you combine the health benefits of both routines. Learn about a couple of options for those interested in following these diets.

Step 1: Eating Three Meals Daily

This routine means avoiding snacks at any time, which is how meals should be. But over time, many have eaten more frequently. And why not? Eating brings pleasure and is an excellent way to socialize. It can also be a part of any meeting and gathering.

But what people do not see are its effects. Worse, they feel its products when they’re already full-blown. The possible results include belly fat, fatigue, lack of focus, high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, and diabetes.

You can address some of these with a combination of a ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting. Take note that the latter does not mean you eat a lesser amount. You can eat until full, but it’s done with less frequency. This should allow your body to produce ketones through fat burning and hours of rest in digestion. So, a combination of low carbs, no sugar, and less frequent eating habits can benefit your body.

When your body adapts to this lifestyle, it leads to the second step.

Step 2: Eating Two Meals Daily

By following this step, you must listen to your body. People are used to eating breakfast when they wake up. Then, they eat lunch at noon and dinner at night. However, to proceed with this, ask yourself if you’re hungry when you wake up. If you are, you can then eat. The goal is to avoid eating when you are not hungry. You can do the same during lunchtime and dinnertime. You might be surprised at what your body can achieve by eating less if this is done daily.

The effect is significant fat burning that can result in autophagy. It is the body’s process where cells recycle old and damaged parts and turn them into new ones. The benefits are often better skin, better memory retention, better moods, less inflammation, better cardiovascular function, and better oral health. This process can also increase stem cells in the immune system. This means you can get sick less often. And if you do, you can recover more quickly.

As a result, you can lessen your visits to the doctor. You might even need fewer oral surgery services because of better dental health. Your trainer can also see a significant effect on your physique.

When trying out new diets or routines, it’s best to do your research about them. In this case, know what you are getting into if you want to combine a ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting. If you decide to push through with it, consult a professional for the right way.